Thursday, June 5, 2014

How knowledge never decreases

Level of information is an ever expanding. With every new interaction, you learn a little more and till you encounter another one, you become already capable to relate the prior extraction of your knowledge with the ongoing interaction, before you enter into a completely different level of dealing.
For instance, let’s say you went to buy a pair of shoes. Oddly though, the store appeared to be a wholesaler. The keeper refuses to sell you your choice with his reason, before you explode with something like ‘oh really yeah! You won’t sell a pair. Why don’t you keep your ornaments at home?’ And storm out. But, at this point, your level of information climbs up a step and ensuring that you won't enter a wholesale store another time for buying another piece of good.

The next day, you meet a friend. Bragging about how appealing marks she's scored in yesterday's marketing research paper, she tells you that she needs not search any job as she will be overtaking the family wholesale chain as her dad believes in her ability to take it forth now.
A layhuman until yesterday, you would now ask ‘so you don’t sell in pieces. Do you?’
To what she replies ‘generally, yes. But with people within our personal contact, we don't usually say no until we are short of stock and so.
As you now know about an exception in wholesaling. You reach the second stair of information.

Next time, you will knock only a familiar wholesaler.
‘Hey Sam! I need a pair of shoes. They’re making those compulsory for the training- one with the studs- yes, just like these. Thanks, man. And you walk away with your shoes.

This is the way your knowledge doubles, quadruples and gets folded up to infinity. Once you know things, you become precise with communication and become understandable. You will reason with facts. you start questioning, searching and finding about things yourself.
Knowledge increases with experience and interest. No information is useless. One always benefits from listening to everything s/he hears.

P.S:Wholesaling here is just an example. The world of wholesaling is too wide and they do not always not sell retail quantities.