Saturday, January 23, 2016

खै कहाँ छ भगवान?

यतै कतै हुन्छ अरे अदृश्य त्यो शक्तिपनि,
देखाउन सक्दैन क्वै भन्छ मात्र छ रे भनि
पूजा गर्छ त्यै ढुङ्गोमा, मान्छे गइ ढोगी ढोगी
थाहा कसले पाओस त्यहाँ ढुंगो आँफै छ त्यो रोगी।

पसिना को मूल्य मान्छे त्यै ढुङ्गो लाई चढाउँछ
निर्जीव खुसी हुन्छ रे त्यो, भन्दै जिउँदो लडाउँछ
नभएको भगवान उसले भेट्छ अरे त्यै ढुङ्गो मा
जल्यो डढ्यो बुद्धी कहाँ गो? ज्ञान खोज्छ जो लाटोबुंगोमा  

छन् कि भनि मैले पनि, खोजी हेरेँ मन्दिरमा,
ध्वजा पात ले ढुङ्गोमात्रै बाँधिएको जन्जिरमा
कसले सिकायो पुज्न देवता, कसले सिकायो थुक्न दानव?
साँच्चै  शक्ति हुन्थ्यो भने, खुसी हुन्थ्यो, किन रुन्थ्यो मानव?

बाहिर भोको रुन्छ, भित्र ढुङ्गो पोस्दै हिँड्छ मान्छे
लाज लाग्दैन उसलाई अझ, भन्छ देवी लड्डडु खान्छे
आदर गर्न जान्दैन त्यो, पूजा गर्न सिक्यो कहाँ
मिठो बोल्न जान्दैन जो, गाउँछ भजन मिठा शब्दमा।

हिँड्दा हिँड्दै फोहोर भन्दै, लत्याउँदै हिँड्छ मान्छे
त्यै फोहोर लाई सजाइदेउ मुर्ति भन्दै किन्छ मान्छे
क्षणअघि को धुलो माटो क्षणमै भैदियो रे भगवान
त्यति बहुमुल्य साथी, हुन्न यहाँ जिउँदै परान

चोर् चोर्न पाए हुन्थ्यो भन्छ, आज एती ल्याएँ भन्छ
कोइ खान पाए हुन्थ्यो भन्छ, भोक लाग्यो ए भनि रुन्छ।
खै भगवान कहाँ छ त्यो? सोध्न पाये हुन्थ्यो तेस्लाई,        
न्याय हेर्थ्यो भने त्यस्ले, चोर् को पुकार किन सुन्छ?  

बिहान घण्ट बजाउँछ, राती कालो धन को सिरान,
खुशी भए राम्रो त्यै छ, रोए त्यै ढुंगो को बिराम
भुल गरे नि एसो ढोग्द्ये गैदिने रे पाप तमाम
नचिम्ल ए आँखा खोल, हेर खै कहाँ छ भगवान?

*no P.S

Thursday, June 5, 2014

How knowledge never decreases

Level of information is an ever expanding. With every new interaction, you learn a little more and till you encounter another one, you become already capable to relate the prior extraction of your knowledge with the ongoing interaction, before you enter into a completely different level of dealing.
For instance, let’s say you went to buy a pair of shoes. Oddly though, the store appeared to be a wholesaler. The keeper refuses to sell you your choice with his reason, before you explode with something like ‘oh really yeah! You won’t sell a pair. Why don’t you keep your ornaments at home?’ And storm out. But, at this point, your level of information climbs up a step and ensuring that you won't enter a wholesale store another time for buying another piece of good.

The next day, you meet a friend. Bragging about how appealing marks she's scored in yesterday's marketing research paper, she tells you that she needs not search any job as she will be overtaking the family wholesale chain as her dad believes in her ability to take it forth now.
A layhuman until yesterday, you would now ask ‘so you don’t sell in pieces. Do you?’
To what she replies ‘generally, yes. But with people within our personal contact, we don't usually say no until we are short of stock and so.
As you now know about an exception in wholesaling. You reach the second stair of information.

Next time, you will knock only a familiar wholesaler.
‘Hey Sam! I need a pair of shoes. They’re making those compulsory for the training- one with the studs- yes, just like these. Thanks, man. And you walk away with your shoes.

This is the way your knowledge doubles, quadruples and gets folded up to infinity. Once you know things, you become precise with communication and become understandable. You will reason with facts. you start questioning, searching and finding about things yourself.
Knowledge increases with experience and interest. No information is useless. One always benefits from listening to everything s/he hears.

P.S:Wholesaling here is just an example. The world of wholesaling is too wide and they do not always not sell retail quantities.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Six intriguing book dedications

After finally getting determined a little about writing something longer than just few pages, I was searching for some ideas to start with. It's often told that writings are generally dedicated to darling, dearest and dead but I stopped to the fact that, non of those three has influenced me enough to write a book for.(parents being exception though ;) )
Anyway, I found these few intriguing book dedications. I am of course not copying these while writing mine because they are far beyond my imaginary plots but yes they are touching, humorous (one of them if not all) and worth sharing.
I am not sure if I'd ever want to go for number 3 for idea of marriage really freaks me out but I'm sure he'd got a yes ;) good writers out there can really try this and I suggest you to.

So, here are some that i liked the most: 

0) i will add mine here after I finish writing one. Mine is going to be even better you know ;) 

1) Joseph J. Rotman 
book: An Introduction To Algebraic Topology

'To my wife Marganit
and my children Ella Rose and Daniel Adam
without whom this book would have
been completed two years earlier.'

2) C.S. Lewis
book: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe


My dear Lucy,

I wrote this story for you, but when I began it I had not realized that girls grow quicker than books. As a result you are already too old for fairy tales, and by the time it is printed and bound you will be older still. But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. You can then take it down from some upper shelf, dust it, and tell me what you think of it. I shall probably be too deaf to hear, and too old to understand a word you say, but I shall still be

your affectionate Godfather,


3) Peter Leeson
book: The Invisible Hook: The Hidden Economics of Pirates’

Ania, I love you, will you marry me?

4) Sean Carroll
book: The Particle at the End of the Universe

To Mom,
Who took me to the library.

5) Edited by Edward E. Kramer:
book: Dark Destiny 

This book is dedicated to Robert Bloch, grand master of darkness. May the blood drawn from your typewriter’s keys sustain us always.

6) Neil Gaiman
book: Anansi Boys

You know how it is. You pick up a book, flip to the dedication, and find that, once again, the author has dedicated a book to someone else and not to you.

Not this time.

Because we haven’t yet met/have only a glancing acquaintance/are just crazy about each other/haven’t seen each other in much too long/are in some way related/will never meet, but will, I trust, despite that, always think fondly of each other….

This one’s for you.

With you know what, and you probably know why.

*picture is taken just for illustration.

Monday, December 23, 2013

This is the reality Mr.Boy; you've been perceiving it wrong all the time.

Acclaimed to be bold, a male friend of mine wrote this line somewhere. It said “If real men don’t rape,real women don’t expose’’. I got numb thinking that, how shameful this line was to be written by a boy who is living in 21st  century. Not only it contradicted the relationship of exposure and molestation,it pumped uncountable questions in my veins, it boiled my female blood and pinched my humanism.Did he mean that a girl wherever found with a part of her body exposed should be raped? Did he mean that a naked woman is not a woman but a thing which should be molested wherever it’s seen? Did he mean that he’ll rape me one day if he sees a part of me? It is insane to feel righteous of having a command over a naked female body or to relate any exposure with the series of rapes continuing today, ignoring the fact that not only those who expose and not only those who hide but, every one in ten who bear double X chromosomes is being raped. Why fake this? For those who say girls get raped only because they expose, why don’t you think about a5 year old girl child getting raped every day everywhere who does not even know what being raped is? Why don’t you think about a woman wearing burka from her head to toe who even fears meeting unknown eyes getting raped every day? Does that 5 year old body seems so inviting to you? Do you even see any skin through that burka that’ll make one forget every sanity and jump over her? You walk everywhere bare chested and you’re a real man, she walks in the same way with at least some more clothes than you, and she’s not a real woman? Justice? No!

While boasting about their superiority and dominance over female race, males are forgetting that even linguistically, they are within her. The word male is itself a part of the word feMALE, he lies inside sHE, man lies inside woMAN,prince lies inside PRINCEss, heir lies inside HEIRess and so on. Not only this but, biologically too, from birth He exists in her. His sperm lies into her ovum; the ‘’he’’ baby cuddles into her ovary;  he nourishes himself with her blood;  he comes being indifferent with her physically as well as mentally;  he feeds himself her milk and he grows bigger sucking every nutrient out of her. But then he grows up and he sees the same breast of a girl somewhere peeping out of her cloth, and suddenly he feels like raping her? And even if a female walks nude in front of a male, with which right does he think that he is free to rape her? He came out from her womb, he breastfed himself with the same chest mountains and he suddenly boosts up and rapes her because she’s exposing the same things to him.Which justice is this?
Why does a male act as if those parts were never in his touch before? Not fair I say.

Once while visiting a jail, I happened to meet a rape accused who was just shut in for a rape case. It but came as a shock that, when asked why he did so, without any guilt of being so inhumane, he told with a pride that, ‘Ghar ma kukhura kaatera ta jalle Pani Khancha tara simkukhura ko sikaar garnu jasto majjaa tesma khoi? Ma ta tei mathi mard hoon.’ [Everyone eats chicken at home but where’s the fun that equates the adventure of hunting wild chicken in the trees? Even more, I am a man]. Shame on human race that being a mere male can make someone feel so righteous to play every foul against humanity. Whom to blame?
Every male is not a hu/man and they’re proving it every day, sometimes by harassing her in the open crowd, sometimes by raping her in the broad daylight, raping her even with candles and rods, and do you even know how do they rock themselves back and forth in a moving bus?Everyone’s too busy blaming females for exposing their body but no one seems to acknowledge the real reason behind these sexual crimes. People are often found saying that sexual restrictions cause sexual crimes because we always want to see what’s hidden rather that what’s always visible. But, making that an only excuse, many other reasons make much sense to motivate these forceful attacks. In the name of patriotism, in the name of male-hood (not manhood), in the name of bravery, in the name of adventure, in the name of proving their distaste on easy meat, don’t you think that males are forgetting to be real man? Don’t you think that they’re mistaken with the meaning of being real? Don’t you think there are some limitations that one should remain within being a human than making excuses afterwards? Why forget that a real man is not the one who just does not rape, is not the one who just does not cry but the one, who does not fake his own vision by pretending not to have seen anything wrong with in and around him. A real hu/man is he who just does not bang his
chest for being a mere male but he who respects every essence of another human body and the one is he who never forgets that he’d once lived onto the same female blood when he even had no heart of his own.
There’s nothing in being a macho man but there’s a whole kind in being a human. Don’t you think so?

Against fake compliments and exaggeration

we always feel proud for approbation made on us regarding the things we've done well and the prize we deserve for that.
                         ''it is better to be underrated by people than to be overrated by them''

John Hersey is always right for saying this.If he really has shown this audacity after being a victim, to the one who made him say so,i must say i cant help but respect him more  for this courage which everyone needs to be able to show by the approach of correct time .never does anyone of us can feel proud for the exaggerated praise we get for having done the things we do not really have contribution to.being felt overrated is the thing we can neither accept,nor can be thankful for the person for being hyperbolic on our undone deeds. i agree Hersey's assertion neither in the meaning that i cant stand the over evaluated and buttered praise on my deeds, nor in the meaning that i never do praise others for their jobs done correctly and impressively but in the meaning that things seem much better only when they are seen in  the place where they are because i believe on someone saying that ''its far better to make a person feel bad with a truth than to comfort her/him with deliberate lies''.

                            However, overrating someone doesn't merely deal with fluttering.if you say it a blandish,then u may get wrong there too for fluttering is not necessarily coaxing into something every time you use that to someone.overrating may be a joke,a reason to mock at a person after searching (you may or maynot find) a flaw inside her/him or more commonly a way you can use to make one feel momentarily proud on what s/he is not .
                                     But,have you even cared about the abhorrent humiliation a person can get into due to your high opinion onto her/him? definitely not. simply to exemplify,when an overrated student comes to know that the praise s/he is taking credit of since so long is nothing more than her/his exaggerated potentiality for her/him being a daughter/son to a principal or some other higher post holders of that school,then we can imagine the state of mind and the loathsome awareness one gets struck by all of the sudden as if being unknown about own being, s/he is certain to have at that time.
                                                                                         Everyone loves to be complimented about the things that worth their credibility and not anyone i know dislikes the self-satisfying feeling when somebody praises something about  her/him in a decorous way. but when someone gives us a strong approbation and we even are not in the situation to heartily accept it,then nothing can get more awkward than that . someone is saying wow at our disgusting hair and distracting dress up, giving a bravo for our unsatisfying work or just clapping for our dumb-founded attempt to give a public speech can be nothing than a abasement for us who are ourselves not satiated enough for what we have done!
                                                                                     So in being praised for what good we have actually done and what we get for something we haven't even attempted to do, its obvious that the appraisal we get after giving our best in something gives us more happiness and pride than that we get from exaggerated words thrown cheaply at us just to  make us happy in short run. do praise, but make it just. not much, and not even less that one deserves it.

16th july, 2012 monday

*pictures are taken just for illustration

Thursday, March 7, 2013

When do you become successful?

Success is utopia. But only those who dare to die get to see its heaven.
Everyone reaches a stage in life where s/he looks back at what so far has s/he achieved and how closer to her dreams has she reached. Success is the point where s/he can say YES! This is what I wanted my whole life and I am not heavy for the things I missed but lighter thinking about the things i decided not to carry along. Success is both pride and guide of a human being. If it doesn't lead you, you reach nowhere.
Everyone has his/her own definition of success.

Well, this is mine: 

I reach the place where there's
enough to give and enough to live
The place I'll look down from
and look at things that i didn't leave
make money, I then invest'em free
Grow them as if cash grows in a tree
I fly at times,to see the cloud
Be with people i love
And sing my success aloud!!

I will earn and I will give. I will learn and I will live. I will love people and live with those I love.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Don’t just dream. You aim!!

You dream right? Day dreaming, night dreaming, future dreaming, and sometimes even wet dreaming. Within your closed eyes, you develop fallacies, fantasies, become successful, kick your enemies off, escape some boring lectures, iron your clothes, and sometimes even wet your bed. But then you wake up, things become normal again. Wet bed sheets are dried and you suddenly realize you've just been a successful person in your dream, have just got rid of your certain anathemas and you have just made yourself set to go. Now you widen your eyes. Oh! I was dreaming and it’s 8! Why didn't it ring? You get started. You bang your clock, get down, force yourself into some easy shoes, probably pee from the lavatory door, you rush outside and you’re already late. See, you dream all your time and it’s all gone an instant you wake up. Your dream is gone with the hush and you have to rush for things completely different from what you just saw. You spend the day doing something else and dream another dream the following night. This is what happens when you just dream of working and not achieving. You work the whole night and wake up. It’s a waste.

Your dreams never define you. Deeds do. And defining your deeds - that your ambition does.
Many of us confuse our dreams with our ambition.
Dreams can change, dreams can be forgone, and dreams can be sacrificed. But your ambition is something which can neither be changed, nor be forgone. If you have let go something someday and you still lament on missing it, stop! Because if it was your ambition and not only a dream, you would never let it go.
You are aimed to grab a thing and you leave no stone unturned to achieve what you want in your hands, you work for it by any means and you have certain destination that you call success. Unlike your dreams, the fire to achieve your aim remains still whether you wake up, you sleep, you eat; it keeps burning you from center and it motivates you to walk forward. You are self-motivated when you have an ambition, when you know what you want to do and what you have to do. Your dreams sympathize you but your ambition burns you. It kindles zeal to work for it and makes it so vigorous that you will never be able to back up.

You can change your dreams overnight but it’s your ambition that changes you. Forgoing your dreams never hurts you but forgoing the chance to pursue your ambition does. It’s no bad to dream. But don’t just dream. You aim and you do it! You make a way yourself and you’ll be able to carve a peak for you.

Dream many, aim one and do everything that you dream - to achieve that ONE AMBITION. 

*pictures are taken just for illustration and i do not own the rights to any picture except the texts in'em